![Valère Wittevrongel Shadow sides](https://museo.kunstlokaalno8.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Valere-Wittevrongel-Shadow-Sides-2021-20-x-20-cm-Nr3-in-context-1024x1024.jpg)
About Valère Wittevrongel’s paintings
Shadow sides
Warmly resonating red bands, sparsely repeated according to a fixed order. Valère Wittevrongel paints a hymn to space and measure. On a single canvas, or divided into a diptych or triptych, he composes colors and rectangles into subdued works. From the darkness he knows how to conjure light. The dark red rhymes with the deep, almost black tones of the adjacent planes. From the darkness there is no threat but rather a sense of security.
The red resounds for a long time.
Valère Wittevrongel, Shadow sides Sq5€240,00
Valère Wittevrongel, Shadow sides Sq4€240,00
Valère Wittevrongel, Shadow sides Sq3€240,00
Valère Wittevrongel, Shadow sides Sq2€240,00
Valère Wittevrongel, Shadow sides Sq1€240,00
Valère Wittevrongel, Shadow sides O2€320,00
Valère Wittevrongel, Shadow sides O1€320,00